Monday, 5 July 2010

Over 420,000 people test for HIV with AIDS Information Centre, Uganda

During the year 2009, AIC continued to contribute to the national HIV&AIDS prevention efforts by providing HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) services among other services. The organisation also continued to design strategies aimed at increasing access to HIV counseling and testing, care and support services. HIV and AIDS, malaria and Tuberculosis remained the main focus of medical services in the organisation. The year saw 422,610 clients counseled and tested for HIV. This was the highest number of clients tested by AIC in a single year since inception.

The majority 51% accessed HCT services in outreaches, 36% in district sites and 13% at AIC main branches. This is comparable to 2008 where 42% of the HCT services were accessed in outreaches, 35% in District sites and 23% in AIC main branches of Arua, Jinja, Kabale Kampala, Lira, Mbale, Mbarara, and Soroti.

Of those tested 57% were female while 43% were male. Female clients are more inclined to know their HIV status as opposed to their male counterparts. This has been the trend for the last five years. It is now expected that with the new program targeting couples, the number of males accessing HCT will increase

The adult age group 25-49 years constituted the majority, accounting for 47% of AIC’s clients. The youth and children below 25 years accounted for 45%.

Summary of AIC service achievements during 2009

  • 422,610 received HIV counselling and testing and received their results
  • 31,038 clients accessed counselling and testing and received results as couples
  • 1,112 prisoners received HCT and got their results in Gulu and Luzira Upper Prison
  • 119,612 individuals received abstinence and Being faithful messages through drama and other PTC activities
  • 356,681 individuals received abstinence and Being faithful messages through as part of HCT
  • 137,663 as part of HCT to youth and children below 24 years
  • 1,197,009 pieces of condoms were distributed to 8,642 individuals
  • 8,299 clients received Basic care packages.
  • 44,861 HIV positive clients were screened for TB
  • 8,387 TB patients were counseled and tested for HIV
  • 967 TB clients co-infected with HIV had their CD4 count tests done
  • 363 TB/HIV co-infected clients were referred for Anti retro viral therapy
  • 1057 participants benefitted from different training programmes

For a detailed report please contact AIDS Information Centre at

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